Introduction to Math Competitions

Are math contests for me?

It is not uncommon for some students to believe that math contests are too challenging for them, even if they excel in STEM subjects. This misperception is based on the mistaken belief that math contests are only for math geniuses, which can prevent students from attempting and benefiting from them. However, with the right study plans, goals such as qualifying for AIME through AMC 10 may not be as challenging as one might think.

Participating in math contests can increase students' interest in math and improve their performance in more advanced math and other STEM courses at school, which can improve their overall GPA. Additionally, achieving success in math competitions, such as qualifying for the AIME or more advanced contests like JMO and AMO, can signal to colleges that students have strong math skills, giving them an advantage in their college applications to STEM majors. Therefore, it is important to encourage students to attempt math contests and explore their full potential.

What are the popular math contests?

Elementary School

Math Kangaroo is a highly entertaining math contest for elementary school students that doesn't require much mathematical knowledge beyond what is taught at school. Participating in Math Kangaroo can encourage children to develop an interest in math.

Middle School

AMC 8 and MathCounts are well-recognized math contests for middle school students. Completing the AoPS Prealgebra book is sufficient to provide students with the math knowledge and techniques required for AMC 8, while MathCounts covers the topics from the AoPS Intro series books. Students in the top 1% of AMC 8 score receive distinguished honor roll, and those in the top 5% receive honor roll.

High School

AMC 10 and AMC 12 are popular math contests for high school students. Mastery of the AoPS Intro series books is necessary for AMC 10, while AMC 12 covers the contents of the AoPS Intermediate Algebra, Intermediate Counting and Probabilities, and Precalculus books. Students can qualify for AIME contest by passing a qualifying score in the AMC 10 or AMC 12 exams. Being qualified for AIME is helpful for college applications, especially for girls because of the gender gap in STEM areas.

After qualifying for AIME, participants take the AIME exam, which requires support from the AoPS Intermediate series and selected books from Awesome Math. The AMC 10 score plus the AIME score determines whether one qualifies for JMO, while the AMC 12 score plus the AIME score determines whether one qualifies for AMO. JMO and AMO signal strong math skills in college applications, especially for STEM-related majors. Qualifying for JMO/AMO allows one to be considered for MOP, an elite math camp for about 60 students every year to prepare for the selection of the team for IMO.